How to Save Money on Your Monthly Fuel Costs


Savvy drivers are always on the lookout for ways to save money on their monthly petrol or diesel bills. And whilst we are fairly stable in terms of fuel costs in the UK at the moment, you never know when the next big price-hike is going to happen.

With this in mind, there’s no better time to join the masses trying to cut down their fuel costs.

Here are some top tips which you may wish to follow…

Lose weight

And no, we don’t mean yourself! Shedding any excess weight from your car can help to save your fuel consumption. It can be easy to forget about that camping gear you have left in the boot, or the roof rack which you can’t be bothered to take off the top of your car, but making the effort to put them back inside your house or garage can lead to greater running efficiency.

As a rule, anything that isn’t absolutely necessary in your car should be removed, so if it’s not needed, don’t take it!

Plan ahead

It may not seem like much to take the wrong turn and have to find a different, longer route to get where you are going, but a huge amount of fuel can be wasted in this way. Planning ahead can solve a lot of these issues; the invention of sat-nav technology has helped a huge amount here as it only requires the driver to follow instructions, though a lot should still be said for analysing a paper map in advance so you have an idea of the main roads to take.

For the best results, use a mobile phone with internet connection, or a device such as a Parrot Asteroid Smart which will use live traffic updates to reroute you around busy spots for a more fuel-efficient journey.

Drive differently

One of the most important things you can do when looking to save money on your fuel bills is to drastically change the way you drive. People are all too keen to put their foot down as hard as possible and brake at the last second, but this is a way of throwing money down the drain.

Alternatively, try to accelerate smoothly, change gears as early as safely possible, and anticipate the traffic ahead so you don’t need to brake hard. When on motorways and fast roads, sticking to the 60/70mph speed limit is far more efficient (and legal!) than doing quicker than this amount.

Consider your vehicle

The advancements in the technology in modern vehicles designed to give far greater MPG are astonishing – therefore it may be the case that, if you have an older car, it may be worth your while swapping it for something with greater fuel efficiency. There are a number of great diesel models from Volkswagen, Ford, Peugeot and Volvo which are ideal for those with longer commutes, and may mean you don’t need to pay any annual road tax! Alternatively, if it is cheaper to keep your existing car, make sure it is serviced on a regular basis to ensure it is running to its maximum efficiency.


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