Audi A6 TV Commercial


Here is a new TV commercial for redesigned 2012 Audi A6 series. The new A6 is bound to spark controversy and fuel more than a few heated discussions, Audi is portraying a large percentage of American drivers as being complete nincompoops that drive on third-world roads. Audi answer to these problems is assimilate or die the new A6, which is described as “intelligent” and “technologically advanced”.

The road is not exactly a place of intelligence. You read about it. You hear about it in the news. You witness it every day on your commute. Which is exactly why Audi engineered the highly intelligent new Audi A6 – built to combat whatever “genius-ness” the road throws its way. These spots shed some light on the current state of our unintelligent roads and drivers, offering up a solution in the new A6 – a technologically advanced car that makes 2000 decisions every second.


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