Crashed BMW M5 Touring


BMW M5 Touring

Guy from Hungary posted a set of images from a serious car crash he had in his M5 Touring. The accident occurred on the autobahn when he was travelling at about 112 mph. After hearing a loud bang from the right side, the car went out of control spinning sideways at 87 mph. It hit the roadside barrier several times before flipping over two times and coming to a halt.

Luckily, neither driver, his wife or his 7-month-old daughter that were on board that day got hurt. The accident was caused by a puncture to the rear right tyre. Although the Bimmer was fitted with a TPM system (Tire Pressure Management) the system never gave any warning whatsoever.

BMW M5 Touring

BMW M5 Touring

BMW M5 Touring

BMW M5 Touring



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