Free Ways to Sell a Used Car


If it’s time to purchase a new car, there are several choices in disposing of the current vehicle. Although a used car can be traded in to the dealer as part of the new car purchase, the amount the dealer will credit towards the purchase is usually less than the car’s value. This is understandable, since the dealer must sell the trade-in for a profit. However, it’s in the seller’s best interest to obtain the highest price possible for their existing vehicle.

There are several free options for the seller of a used car. Perhaps the simplest option is to create flyers and post them on free public bulletin boards throughout the community. These bulletin boards are often located in self-service laundries. Local coffee shops, convenience markets and some grocery stores may have bulletin boards available for public use. It’s a good idea to have tabs at the bottom with contact information for interested parties to tear off. A photo on the flyer is beneficial.

A “For Sale” sign displayed in a back side window is another possibility. The sign should include a contact phone number. Displaying a price is helpful. If the seller has some flexibility on the price, this should also be noted on the sign. It’s a good idea to check with the local police to make sure the sign doesn’t violate any ordinances or traffic laws. Workplaces may also have restrictions, so it’s useful to check.

Placing a classified ad online will expose the car to many pairs of eyes. Careful research is needed when choosing a site on which to advertise. Some websites like are free to the seller, while others charge a listing fee or commission on the sale price. Some auction websites do both. There are many choices available, so it is a good idea to devote some time to finding the truly free websites.

Word of mouth is another effective method to advertise a car for sale. Coworkers and friends will most likely already be familiar with the seller’s vehicle, so there is less possibility of a misunderstanding about the car’s condition. Family members may be in the market for a used car, or they may know someone else who is looking.

Most people use social media today. A brief advertisement can be posted as a status update on Facebook and other social media websites. It isn’t necessary to go into great detail, but a picture is a good idea. Using social media is a good way to reach friends and family members quickly and efficiently.

Regardless of the free advertising method chosen, it is a good idea to spruce up the car before marketing it. The car should be thoroughly cleaned inside and out before taking pictures for ads. Repairing small problems can be cost-effective if the used car has a high value. It is important to be honest about any known issues with the vehicle to prevent problems after the sale is completed.


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