Road Traffic Accident Claims


Accidents on the road can occur at any time, and sometimes when you least expect it. Even if you have been really careful, and it???s caused by other parties, your life might be impacted in a certain amount. Whether you are the car driver, motorcyclist, cyclist, or a pedestrian, you have a right to claim compensation, proven that the accident was not caused by you and to the degree of the injury suffered. For any compensation claim the first part is to determine if it was your fault or not. Your solicitor will work with you to find out who to seek compensation from.

Your Solicitor

A professional solicitor will talk about all the details of the case with you and gather more information to build a case, and to work out the specifics. This information not only covers negligence and fault but also evidence to assist your case and to ensure that you have a reasonable chance of a successful claim.

Information For Injured Drivers

If you were driving but the accident was not caused by you then you should also claim for damages to your car in addition to injuries caused to you and any other passengers. Your claim will usually be paid by the opposite car owner???s insurance policy.

Information For Injured Pedestrians

If you were hit by a car while standing on the pavement or while crossing at a green light then your solicitor is able to build a strong case to help. They may use witness statements, CCTV footage, and physical evidence from the crash itself to help prove your case.

Road Traffic Accidents and Blame

Individuals, Groups or even animals can be responsible for the causing of accidents. In some cases, the person responsible might not even be present at the accident site but they may still be held responsible for causing the accident in question.

Solicitors like Bolt Burdon Kemp can help making your claim a successful one.