5 Cities with the Most Strict Emissions Standards


The fight against carbon emissions is taking shape across the country. With the help of thoughtful consumers and citizens, all cities will have tough emission standards to help fight pollution and provide clean air to everyone in America. The following cities are some of the most progressive emission-cutting places in the country:

Santa Fe, New Mexico

The residents of Santa Fe breath in some of the cleanest air in the US, and also have the luxury of being one of the least industrialized cities in the US. You would have to drive 200 miles from Santa Fe to even reach the nearest power plant. They are so strict on emissions that some of their policies are more strict than those laid out by the Environmental Protection Agency.

New York City, New York

New York City (NYC) is not typically synonymous with being environmentally friendly. They may not be the greenest city, however they are quite strict on vehicle emissions. Each vehicle in the entire state is required to pass an inspection and emission test prior to being legally registered in the state of New York, as well as in NYC. These tests are slightly different as the emission test in NYC is more stringent than the state test.

Anywhere, California

California, in general, has the toughest emission standards in the country. Their standards are so tough, in fact, that oil and auto-supporting politicians fear it will spread nationwide. Earlier this year, the state was proposing to cut auto emissions by two-thirds from existing levels.

Seattle, Washington

Seattle is not only tough on emissions, but they are also tough on environmental policy as a whole. The Seattle emission standards follow the California standards with a few exceptions pertaining to the automakers. In general, the drivers must abide by the same strict laws as California.

Honolulu, Hawaii

America’s paradise is looking to be known as such for decades to come. They have recently introduced more severe emissions standards to eliminate the city and state’s dependency on fossil fuels. The city is home to an award-winning public transportation system, featuring mostly hybrid vehicles, and is also introducing a light railway. They may not have been the first on the movement, but they have become an example for the rest of the country to follow.

Even if you do not live in one of these top cities with tough emissions, you may help yourself and your family by installing All Star Glass, taking public transportation or riding your bike to work, and supporting local politicians with green initiatives. The movement to reduce our carbon footprint begins with the individual taking responsibility at the local level.


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