China’s Chery A5 to be produced in Egypt


Chery A5

Chinese carmaker Chery Automobile announced that chery’s two car, A5 with a 1.6-liter engine and A6 with a 2.0-liter engine, would be assembled in Egypt. The lines were under the cooperation with Daewoo Motors Egypt (DME). According to the agreement, DME would pay for the use of Chery’s technologies and brand. The assembled Chery sedans would be sold in Egypt under a new name of Speranza.


  1. I Googled for something completely different, but found your page…and have to say thanks. nice read.

  2. I have a speranza 516
    The car is good but i am sorry the service here in EGYPT is too bad i send it to ABO EL FOTOUH at the desert road of cairo alexandera at 15/4/2007 and i received it at 26/4/2007 and they didnot do all what i say it is really a bad service plz save your name.

  3. I want to add that it is the worest service i have ever met in my life, Abu El foutoh is a big name in Egypt losing his name by chossing a very bad engeneers in his service center, Please think towice before buying a car from him.

  4. i want to buy speranza 1.6 can any one have this car advise me about the car itself and about the after sell services


  5. i want to buy speranza 1.6 can any one have this car advise me about the car itself and about the after sell services

  6. Do not waste your money on such a car with the worst service in the world from the most bad dealer ever lived………..

  7. some body need to take some extra service for free &take more from warranty even the acident and miss use

  8. customers complain without understanding waranty policies, and they’re always asking for more benefits. however, the car is good and most of the customers say that. although some customers are complaining and are troublemakers by nature

  9. Aboul Fotouh’s Warranty is fake.
    The clutch system got screwed at 7500 km and he refused to change it under the warranty, saying the the warranty for the clutch system is only 1 year.

    I regret having that car, and i advice anyone, DO NOT APPROACH SPERANZA


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