The Hidden Benefits of Our Car Culture


The automobile has been the cornerstone to our society for such a lengthy amount of time that it has been ingrained within our culture. We can’t turn on the T.V. without seeing some form of car advertisement at least once or twice during the night. We also see billboards, magazine ads, and many sponsored events by the big automobile manufacturers.

We idolize those who we consider “road warriors”, like race car drivers and movie stars in car-centric flicks. The automobile could be one such item that really brings us together (even when we sometimes lose our temper on the road).

Did you know there are a lot of extra hidden benefits of our car culture outside of the glamorization we see through our media and social interactions? Yes, they’re there – maybe this will help you see …

Hidden Security through Public Employees

Police may immediately bring back a stressful memory if you’ve received a ticket but they’re there to help enforce the law and keep us safe – especially on the road – but their ability to make us feel safe goes well beyond the point of patrolling highways and streets.

Henri Degre, an individual who works closely with government buyers and services, makes note of the underlying benefit we receive when police officers use their vehicles outside of work:

“On their drive home from work, officers are handed the responsibility of tackling any type of issue they see on their ride. Therefore, roads have double the amount of police officers, both on duty and on their way home. They are able to look for drivers under the influence as they end their shift and begin to drive home. Additionally, many cops take various ways home, exposing the car to various neighborhoods and roads, curbing crime and various other incidents from occurring.”

Living in a neighborhood or apartment complex that has a few police officers brings a big sense of security because you know that it deters would-be criminals. Likewise, if an event were to take place you could expect these individuals close to the home to be some of the first responders.

Reinforcing a Mechanical Skill

Our society has shifted into the digital age; access to broadband Internet is now available to over 72.4% of our households which means that those coming of age will most likely seek positions that are information-based rather than traditional, blue-collar paths.

However, obsessions with cars and the entire car culture allow individuals to build a great hands-on skill because cars are still very much mechanical in nature (besides a few tech additions along the way).

There is a tradition between parent and child within households that center their focus on cars, especially if the parent’s hobby is related to an automobile such as restoration.

The fascination and sense of power a car gives off draws individuals into its culture but doesn’t end with an attraction to design and statistics – it gives these individuals an opportunity to get their hands dirty and understand engines and other parts of the vehicle, which is very rewarding intellectually and saves the individual money in the long-run because they possess the skills required for regular maintenance.

The reinforcement of the mechanical skill may lead the individual toward traditional blue-collar jobs–such as plumbing, construction, metallurgy, and others–because they want to work with their hands. As our society shifts more toward computer and gadget-based activities and jobs, this will become increasingly important.

We’re Increasing Our Safety on the Road

There millions upon millions of cars registered which means that if you run the statistics, as you would with any sort of operation, there are prevalent dangers you would come to expect.

But… did you know that our automobile fatality rate is lowering by the year?

Yes, it’s a raw topic to touch on, but one of the hidden benefits we have gained from being such a large car culture is that our demand for automobiles have increased our proficiency when driving and influenced the manufacturers to invent better safety options.

Take a look at the super congested parts of the Eastern World like China or India and you will see the mayhem that’s caused by such a large amount of people on the road. Many of these Eastern countries have yet to set strict standards and laws around driving which has led to many injuries and fatalities on their cluttered roads.

Back here in the States, we push every year to keep our roads repaired, introduce new technologies to prevent automobile injuries and fatalities–these technologies include better airbags, stronger materials used during manufacturing, and technology focused on brakes. Likewise, our regular usage of automobiles has educated many on the ways of safe driving. Combining the two and we can see that why our injury and fatality rate has been decreasing quite a bit since the introduction of the car.

What benefits can you uncover that are closely associated with our car culture?


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